godot version 3.4.5
Haxe/C# externs for the Godot game engine
collections | |
AABB | Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. AABB consists of a position, a size, and several utility functions. It is typically used for fast overlap tests. |
AESContext | This class provides access to AES encryption/decryption of raw data. Both AES-ECB and AES-CBC mode are supported. |
AESContext_Mode | |
ARVRAnchor | The |
ARVRCamera | This is a helper spatial node for our camera; note that, if stereoscopic rendering is applicable (VR-HMD), most of the camera properties are ignored, as the HMD information overrides them. The only properties that can be trusted are the near and far planes. |
ARVRController | This is a helper spatial node that is linked to the tracking of controllers. It also offers several handy passthroughs to the state of buttons and such on the controllers. |
ARVRInterface | This class needs to be implemented to make an AR or VR platform available to Godot and these should be implemented as C++ modules or GDNative modules (note that for GDNative the subclass ARVRScriptInterface should be used). Part of the interface is exposed to GDScript so you can detect, enable and configure an AR or VR platform. |
ARVRInterfaceGDNative | This is a wrapper class for GDNative implementations of the ARVR interface. To use a GDNative ARVR interface, simply instantiate this object and set your GDNative library containing the ARVR interface implementation. |
ARVRInterface_Capabilities | |
ARVRInterface_Eyes | |
ARVRInterface_Tracking_status | |
ARVROrigin | This is a special node within the AR/VR system that maps the physical location of the center of our tracking space to the virtual location within our game world. |
ARVRPositionalTracker | An instance of this object represents a device that is tracked, such as a controller or anchor point. HMDs aren't represented here as they are handled internally. |
ARVRPositionalTracker_TrackerHand | |
ARVRServer | The AR/VR server is the heart of our Advanced and Virtual Reality solution and handles all the processing. |
ARVRServer_RotationMode | |
ARVRServer_TrackerType | |
AStar | A (A star) is a computer algorithm that is widely used in pathfinding and graph traversal, the process of plotting short paths among vertices (points), passing through a given set of edges (segments). It enjoys widespread use due to its performance and accuracy. Godot's A implementation uses points in three-dimensional space and Euclidean distances by default. |
AStar2D | This is a wrapper for the |
AcceptDialog | This dialog is useful for small notifications to the user about an event. It can only be accepted or closed, with the same result. |
Action | The list of actions defined in the project settings. |
AnimatedSprite | Animations are created using a |
AnimatedSprite3D | Animations are created using a |
AnimatedTexture |
Animation | An Animation resource contains data used to animate everything in the engine. Animations are divided into tracks, and each track must be linked to a node. The state of that node can be changed through time, by adding timed keys (events) to the track. |
AnimationNode | Base resource for |
AnimationNodeAdd2 | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeAdd3 | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeAnimation | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeBlend2 | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeBlend3 | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D_BlendModeEnum | |
AnimationNodeBlendTree | This node may contain a sub-tree of any other blend type nodes, such as mix, blend2, blend3, one shot, etc. This is one of the most commonly used roots. |
AnimationNodeOneShot | A resource to add to an |
AnimationNodeOneShot_MixModeEnum | |
AnimationNodeOutput | |
AnimationNodeStateMachine | Contains multiple nodes representing animation states, connected in a graph. Node transitions can be configured to happen automatically or via code, using a shortest-path algorithm. Retrieve the |
AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback | Allows control of |
AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition | |
AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition_SwitchModeEnum | |
AnimationNodeTimeScale | Allows scaling the speed of the animation (or reversing it) in any children nodes. Setting it to 0 will pause the animation. |
AnimationNodeTimeSeek | This node can be used to cause a seek command to happen to any sub-children of the animation graph. Use this node type to play an |
AnimationNodeTransition | Simple state machine for cases which don't require a more advanced |
AnimationNode_FilterAction | |
AnimationPlayer | An animation player is used for general-purpose playback of |
AnimationPlayer_AnimationMethodCallMode | |
AnimationPlayer_AnimationProcessMode | |
AnimationRootNode | |
AnimationTree | A node to be used for advanced animation transitions in an |
AnimationTreePlayer | Deprecated. A node graph tool for blending multiple animations bound to an |
AnimationTreePlayer_AnimationProcessMode | |
AnimationTreePlayer_NodeType | |
AnimationTree_AnimationProcessMode | |
Animation_InterpolationType | |
Animation_TrackType | |
Animation_UpdateMode | |
Area | 3D area that detects |
Area2D | 2D area that detects |
Area2D_SpaceOverrideEnum | |
Area_SpaceOverrideEnum | |
ArrayMesh | The |
ArrayMesh_ArrayFormat | |
ArrayMesh_ArrayType | |
AspectRatioContainer | Arranges child controls in a way to preserve their aspect ratio automatically whenever the container is resized. Solves the problem where the container size is dynamic and the contents' size needs to adjust accordingly without losing proportions. |
AspectRatioContainer_AlignMode | |
AspectRatioContainer_StretchModeEnum | |
AtlasTexture |
AudioBusLayout | Stores position, muting, solo, bypass, effects, effect position, volume, and the connections between buses. See |
AudioEffect | Base resource for audio bus. Applies an audio effect on the bus that the resource is applied on. |
AudioEffectAmplify | Increases or decreases the volume being routed through the audio bus. |
AudioEffectBandLimitFilter | Limits the frequencies in a range around the |
AudioEffectBandPassFilter | Attenuates the frequencies inside of a range around the |
AudioEffectCapture | AudioEffectCapture is an AudioEffect which copies all audio frames from the attached audio effect bus into its internal ring buffer. |
AudioEffectChorus | Adds a chorus audio effect. The effect applies a filter with voices to duplicate the audio source and manipulate it through the filter. |
AudioEffectCompressor | Dynamic range compressor reduces the level of the sound when the amplitude goes over a certain threshold in Decibels. One of the main uses of a compressor is to increase the dynamic range by clipping as little as possible (when sound goes over 0dB). |
AudioEffectDelay | Plays input signal back after a period of time. The delayed signal may be played back multiple times to create the sound of a repeating, decaying echo. Delay effects range from a subtle echo effect to a pronounced blending of previous sounds with new sounds. |
AudioEffectDistortion | Different types are available: clip, tan, lo-fi (bit crushing), overdrive, or waveshape. |
AudioEffectDistortion_ModeEnum | |
AudioEffectEQ | AudioEffectEQ gives you control over frequencies. Use it to compensate for existing deficiencies in audio. AudioEffectEQs are useful on the Master bus to completely master a mix and give it more character. They are also useful when a game is run on a mobile device, to adjust the mix to that kind of speakers (it can be added but disabled when headphones are plugged). |
AudioEffectEQ10 | Frequency bands: |
AudioEffectEQ21 | Frequency bands: |
AudioEffectEQ6 | Frequency bands: |
AudioEffectFilter | Allows frequencies other than the |
AudioEffectFilter_FilterDB | |
AudioEffectHighPassFilter | Cuts frequencies lower than the |
AudioEffectHighShelfFilter | |
AudioEffectInstance | |
AudioEffectLimiter | A limiter is similar to a compressor, but it's less flexible and designed to disallow sound going over a given dB threshold. Adding one in the Master bus is always recommended to reduce the effects of clipping. |
AudioEffectLowPassFilter | Cuts frequencies higher than the |
AudioEffectLowShelfFilter | |
AudioEffectNotchFilter | Attenuates frequencies in a narrow band around the |
AudioEffectPanner | Determines how much of an audio signal is sent to the left and right buses. |
AudioEffectPhaser | Combines phase-shifted signals with the original signal. The movement of the phase-shifted signals is controlled using a low-frequency oscillator. |
AudioEffectPitchShift | Allows modulation of pitch independently of tempo. All frequencies can be increased/decreased with minimal effect on transients. |
AudioEffectPitchShift_FFT_Size | |
AudioEffectRecord | Allows the user to record the sound from an audio bus. This can include all audio output by Godot when used on the "Master" audio bus. |
AudioEffectReverb | Simulates rooms of different sizes. Its parameters can be adjusted to simulate the sound of a specific room. |
AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer | This audio effect does not affect sound output, but can be used for real-time audio visualizations. |
AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance | |
AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance_MagnitudeMode | |
AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer_FFT_Size | |
AudioEffectStereoEnhance | |
AudioServer |
AudioServer_SpeakerMode | |
AudioStream | Base class for audio streams. Audio streams are used for sound effects and music playback, and support WAV (via |
AudioStreamGenerator | This audio stream does not play back sounds, but expects a script to generate audio data for it instead. See also |
AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback | This class is meant to be used with |
AudioStreamMP3 | MP3 audio stream driver. |
AudioStreamMicrophone | |
AudioStreamOGGVorbis | OGG Vorbis audio stream driver. |
AudioStreamPlayback | Can play, loop, pause a scroll through audio. See |
AudioStreamPlaybackResampled | |
AudioStreamPlayer | Plays an audio stream non-positionally. |
AudioStreamPlayer2D | Plays audio that dampens with distance from screen center. |
AudioStreamPlayer3D | Plays a sound effect with directed sound effects, dampens with distance if needed, generates effect of hearable position in space. For greater realism, a low-pass filter is automatically applied to distant sounds. This can be disabled by setting |
AudioStreamPlayer3D_AttenuationModelEnum | |
AudioStreamPlayer3D_DopplerTrackingEnum | |
AudioStreamPlayer3D_OutOfRangeModeEnum | |
AudioStreamPlayer_MixTargetEnum | |
AudioStreamRandomPitch | Randomly varies pitch on each start. |
AudioStreamSample | AudioStreamSample stores sound samples loaded from WAV files. To play the stored sound, use an |
AudioStreamSample_FormatEnum | |
AudioStreamSample_LoopModeEnum | |
BackBufferCopy | Node for back-buffering the currently-displayed screen. The region defined in the BackBufferCopy node is buffered with the content of the screen it covers, or the entire screen according to the copy mode set. Use the |
BackBufferCopy_CopyModeEnum | |
BakedLightmap | Baked lightmaps are an alternative workflow for adding indirect (or baked) lighting to a scene. Unlike the |
BakedLightmapData | |
BakedLightmap_BakeError | |
BakedLightmap_BakeQuality | |
BakedLightmap_EnvironmentModeEnum | |
BaseButton | BaseButton is the abstract base class for buttons, so it shouldn't be used directly (it doesn't display anything). Other types of buttons inherit from it. |
BaseButton_ActionModeEnum | |
BaseButton_DrawMode | |
Basis | 3×3 matrix used for 3D rotation and scale. Almost always used as an orthogonal basis for a Transform. |
BitMap | A two-dimensional array of boolean values, can be used to efficiently store a binary matrix (every matrix element takes only one bit) and query the values using natural cartesian coordinates. |
BitmapFont | Renders text using |
Bone2D | Use a hierarchy of |
BoneAttachment | This node must be the child of a |
BoxContainer | Arranges child controls vertically or horizontally, and rearranges the controls automatically when their minimum size changes. |
BoxContainer_AlignMode | |
BoxShape | 3D box shape that can be a child of a |
Button | Button is the standard themed button. It can contain text and an icon, and will display them according to the current |
ButtonGroup | Group of |
ButtonList | |
Button_TextAlign | |
CPUParticles | CPU-based 3D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. |
CPUParticles2D | CPU-based 2D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. |
CPUParticles2D_DrawOrderEnum | |
CPUParticles2D_EmissionShapeEnum | |
CPUParticles2D_Flags | |
CPUParticles2D_Parameter | |
CPUParticles_DrawOrderEnum | |
CPUParticles_EmissionShapeEnum | |
CPUParticles_Flags | |
CPUParticles_Parameter | |
CSGBox | This node allows you to create a box for use with the CSG system. |
CSGCombiner | For complex arrangements of shapes, it is sometimes needed to add structure to your CSG nodes. The CSGCombiner node allows you to create this structure. The node encapsulates the result of the CSG operations of its children. In this way, it is possible to do operations on one set of shapes that are children of one CSGCombiner node, and a set of separate operations on a second set of shapes that are children of a second CSGCombiner node, and then do an operation that takes the two end results as its input to create the final shape. |
CSGCylinder | This node allows you to create a cylinder (or cone) for use with the CSG system. |
CSGMesh | This CSG node allows you to use any mesh resource as a CSG shape, provided it is closed, does not self-intersect, does not contain internal faces and has no edges that connect to more than two faces. See also |
CSGPolygon | An array of 2D points is extruded to quickly and easily create a variety of 3D meshes. See also |
CSGPolygon_ModeEnum | |
CSGPolygon_PathIntervalTypeEnum | |
CSGPolygon_PathRotationEnum | |
CSGPrimitive | Parent class for various CSG primitives. It contains code and functionality that is common between them. It cannot be used directly. Instead use one of the various classes that inherit from it. |
CSGShape | This is the CSG base class that provides CSG operation support to the various CSG nodes in Godot. |
CSGShape_OperationEnum | |
CSGSphere | This node allows you to create a sphere for use with the CSG system. |
CSGTorus | This node allows you to create a torus for use with the CSG system. |
CSharpScript | This class represents a C# script. It is the C# equivalent of the |
Camera | Camera is a special node that displays what is visible from its current location. Cameras register themselves in the nearest |
Camera2D | Camera node for 2D scenes. It forces the screen (current layer) to scroll following this node. This makes it easier (and faster) to program scrollable scenes than manually changing the position of |
Camera2D_AnchorModeEnum | |
Camera2D_Camera2DProcessMode | |
CameraFeed | A camera feed gives you access to a single physical camera attached to your device. When enabled, Godot will start capturing frames from the camera which can then be used. See also |
CameraFeed_FeedDataType | |
CameraFeed_FeedPosition | |
CameraServer | The |
CameraServer_FeedImage | |
CameraTexture | This texture gives access to the camera texture provided by a |
Camera_DopplerTrackingEnum | |
Camera_KeepAspectEnum | |
Camera_ProjectionEnum | |
CanvasItem | Base class of anything 2D. Canvas items are laid out in a tree; children inherit and extend their parent's transform. |
CanvasItemMaterial |
CanvasItemMaterial_BlendModeEnum | |
CanvasItemMaterial_LightModeEnum | |
CanvasItem_BlendMode | |
CanvasLayer | Canvas drawing layer. |
CanvasModulate |
CapsuleMesh | Class representing a capsule-shaped |
CapsuleShape | Capsule shape for collisions. |
CapsuleShape2D | Capsule shape for 2D collisions. |
CenterContainer | CenterContainer keeps children controls centered. This container keeps all children to their minimum size, in the center. |
CharFXTransform | By setting various properties on this object, you can control how individual characters will be displayed in a |
CheckBox | A checkbox allows the user to make a binary choice (choosing only one of two possible options). It's similar to |
CheckButton | CheckButton is a toggle button displayed as a check field. It's similar to |
CircleShape2D | Circular shape for 2D collisions. This shape is useful for modeling balls or small characters and its collision detection with everything else is very fast. |
ClassDB | Provides access to metadata stored for every available class. |
ClippedCamera | This node extends |
ClippedCamera_ProcessModeEnum | |
CollisionObject | CollisionObject is the base class for physics objects. It can hold any number of collision |
CollisionObject2D | CollisionObject2D is the base class for 2D physics objects. It can hold any number of 2D collision |
CollisionPolygon | Allows editing a collision polygon's vertices on a selected plane. Can also set a depth perpendicular to that plane. This class is only available in the editor. It will not appear in the scene tree at run-time. Creates a |
CollisionPolygon2D | Provides a 2D collision polygon to a |
CollisionPolygon2D_BuildModeEnum | |
CollisionShape | Editor facility for creating and editing collision shapes in 3D space. You can use this node to represent all sorts of collision shapes, for example, add this to an |
CollisionShape2D | Editor facility for creating and editing collision shapes in 2D space. You can use this node to represent all sorts of collision shapes, for example, add this to an |
Color | A color represented by red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) components.
The alpha component is often used for transparency.
Values are in floating-point and usually range from 0 to 1.
Some properties (such as |
ColorPicker | Displays a color picker widget. Useful for selecting a color from an RGB/RGBA colorspace. |
ColorPickerButton | Encapsulates a |
ColorRect | Displays a rectangle filled with a solid |
Colors | This class contains color constants created from standardized color names. The standardized color set is based on the X11 and .NET color names. |
ConcavePolygonShape | Concave polygon shape resource, which can be set into a |
ConcavePolygonShape2D | Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. It is made out of segments and is optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. However, it is not advised to use for |
ConeTwistJoint | The joint can rotate the bodies across an axis defined by the local x-axes of the |
ConeTwistJoint_Param | |
ConfigFile | This helper class can be used to store |
ConfirmationDialog | Dialog for confirmation of actions. This dialog inherits from |
Container | Base node for containers. A |
Control | Base class for all UI-related nodes. |
Control_Anchor | |
Control_CursorShape | |
Control_FocusModeEnum | |
Control_GrowDirection | |
Control_LayoutPreset | |
Control_LayoutPresetMode | |
Control_MouseFilterEnum | |
Control_SizeFlags | |
ConvexPolygonShape | Convex polygon shape resource, which can be added to a |
ConvexPolygonShape2D | Convex polygon shape for 2D physics. A convex polygon, whatever its shape, is internally decomposed into as many convex polygons as needed to ensure all collision checks against it are always done on convex polygons (which are faster to check). |
Corner | |
Crypto | The Crypto class allows you to access some more advanced cryptographic functionalities in Godot. |
CryptoKey | The CryptoKey class represents a cryptographic key. Keys can be loaded and saved like any other |
CubeMap | A 6-sided 3D texture typically used for faking reflections. It can be used to make an object look as if it's reflecting its surroundings. This usually delivers much better performance than other reflection methods. |
CubeMap_FlagsEnum | |
CubeMap_Side | |
CubeMap_Storage | |
CubeMesh | Generate an axis-aligned cuboid |
CullInstance | Provides common functionality to nodes that can be culled by the |
CullInstance_PortalModeEnum | |
Curve | A curve that can be saved and re-used for other objects. By default, it ranges between |
Curve2D | This class describes a Bézier curve in 2D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a |
Curve3D | This class describes a Bézier curve in 3D space. It is mainly used to give a shape to a |
CurveTexture | Renders a given |
Curve_TangentMode | |
CustomSignal | User custom signal with the same api as the built-in signals. |
CylinderMesh | Class representing a cylindrical |
CylinderShape | Cylinder shape for collisions. |
DTLSServer | This class is used to store the state of a DTLS server. Upon |
DampedSpringJoint2D | Damped spring constraint for 2D physics. This resembles a spring joint that always wants to go back to a given length. |
DirectionalLight | A directional light is a type of |
DirectionalLight_ShadowDepthRange | |
DirectionalLight_ShadowMode | |
Directory | Directory type. It is used to manage directories and their content (not restricted to the project folder). |
Dispatcher | |
DynamicFont | DynamicFont renders vector font files dynamically at runtime instead of using a prerendered texture atlas like |
DynamicFontData | Used with |
DynamicFontData_HintingEnum | |
DynamicFont_SpacingType | |
EditorExportPlugin |
EditorFeatureProfile | An editor feature profile can be used to disable specific features of the Godot editor. When disabled, the features won't appear in the editor, which makes the editor less cluttered. This is useful in education settings to reduce confusion or when working in a team. For example, artists and level designers could use a feature profile that disables the script editor to avoid accidentally making changes to files they aren't supposed to edit. |
EditorFeatureProfile_Feature | |
EditorFileDialog | |
EditorFileDialog_AccessEnum | |
EditorFileDialog_DisplayModeEnum | |
EditorFileDialog_ModeEnum | |
EditorFileSystem | This object holds information of all resources in the filesystem, their types, etc. |
EditorFileSystemDirectory | A more generalized, low-level variation of the directory concept. |
EditorImportPlugin |
EditorInspector | The editor inspector is by default located on the right-hand side of the editor. It's used to edit the properties of the selected node. For example, you can select a node such as |
EditorInspectorPlugin |
EditorInterface | EditorInterface gives you control over Godot editor's window. It allows customizing the window, saving and (re-)loading scenes, rendering mesh previews, inspecting and editing resources and objects, and provides access to |
EditorPlugin | Plugins are used by the editor to extend functionality. The most common types of plugins are those which edit a given node or resource type, import plugins and export plugins. See also |
EditorPlugin_CustomControlContainer | |
EditorPlugin_DockSlot | |
EditorProperty | This control allows property editing for one or multiple properties into |
EditorResourcePicker | This |
EditorResourcePreview | This object is used to generate previews for resources of files. |
EditorResourcePreviewGenerator | Custom code to generate previews. Please check |
EditorSceneImporter |
EditorSceneImporterFBX | This is an FBX 3D asset importer with full support for most FBX features. |
EditorScenePostImport | Imported scenes can be automatically modified right after import by setting their Custom Script Import property to a |
EditorScript | Scripts extending this class and implementing its |
EditorScriptPicker | Similar to |
EditorSelection | This object manages the SceneTree selection in the editor. |
EditorSettings | Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. These settings are generally visible in the Editor > Editor Settings menu. |
EditorSpatialGizmo | Custom gizmo that is used for providing custom visualization and editing (handles) for 3D Spatial objects. See |
EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin |
EditorSpinSlider | This |
EditorVCSInterface | Used by the editor to display VCS extracted information in the editor. The implementation of this API is included in VCS addons, which are essentially GDNative plugins that need to be put into the project folder. These VCS addons are scripts which are attached (on demand) to the object instance of |
EncodedObjectAsID | Utility class which holds a reference to the internal identifier of an |
Engine | The |
Environment | Resource for environment nodes (like |
Environment_BGMode | |
Environment_DOFBlurQuality | |
Environment_GlowBlendModeEnum | |
Environment_SSAOBlur | |
Environment_SSAOQuality | |
Environment_ToneMapper | |
Error | |
ExportAttribute | |
Expression | An expression can be made of any arithmetic operation, built-in math function call, method call of a passed instance, or built-in type construction call. |
ExternalTexture | Enable support for the OpenGL ES external texture extension as defined by [https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/OES/OES_EGL_image_external.txt](OES_EGL_image_external). |
File | File type. This is used to permanently store data into the user device's file system and to read from it. This can be used to store game save data or player configuration files, for example. |
FileDialog | FileDialog is a preset dialog used to choose files and directories in the filesystem. It supports filter masks. The FileDialog automatically sets its window title according to the |
FileDialog_AccessEnum | |
FileDialog_ModeEnum | |
FileSystemDock | |
File_CompressionMode | |
File_ModeFlags | |
Font | Font contains a Unicode-compatible character set, as well as the ability to draw it with variable width, ascent, descent and kerning. For creating fonts from TTF files (or other font formats), see the editor support for fonts. |
FuncRef | In GDScript, functions are not first-class objects. This means it is impossible to store them directly as variables, return them from another function, or pass them as arguments. |
GD | Godot's global functions. |
GDNative | |
GDNativeLibrary | A GDNative library can implement |
GDScript | A script implemented in the GDScript programming language. The script extends the functionality of all objects that instance it. |
GDScriptFunctionState | Calling |
GIProbe |
GIProbeData | |
GIProbe_SubdivEnum | |
GLTFLight | Note: This class is only compiled in editor builds. Run-time glTF loading and saving is not available in exported projects. References to |
Generic6DOFJoint | The first 3 DOF axes are linear axes, which represent translation of Bodies, and the latter 3 DOF axes represent the angular motion. Each axis can be either locked, or limited. |
Generic6DOFJoint_Flag | |
Generic6DOFJoint_Param | |
Geometry | Geometry provides users with a set of helper functions to create geometric shapes, compute intersections between shapes, and process various other geometric operations. |
GeometryInstance | Base node for geometry-based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials. |
GeometryInstance_Flags | |
GeometryInstance_LightmapScaleEnum | |
GeometryInstance_ShadowCastingSetting | |
Geometry_PolyBooleanOperation | |
Geometry_PolyEndType | |
Geometry_PolyJoinType | |
GodotSharp | This class is a bridge between Godot and the Mono runtime. It exposes several low-level operations and is only available in Mono-enabled Godot builds. |
GodotSynchronizationContext | |
GodotTaskScheduler | |
Gradient | Given a set of colors, this resource will interpolate them in order. This means that if you have color 1, color 2 and color 3, the ramp will interpolate from color 1 to color 2 and from color 2 to color 3. The ramp will initially have 2 colors (black and white), one (black) at ramp lower offset 0 and the other (white) at the ramp higher offset 1. |
GradientTexture | GradientTexture uses a |
GraphEdit | GraphEdit manages the showing of GraphNodes it contains, as well as connections and disconnections between them. Signals are sent for each of these two events. Disconnection between GraphNode slots is disabled by default. |
GraphNode | A GraphNode is a container. Each GraphNode can have several input and output slots, sometimes referred to as ports, allowing connections between GraphNodes. To add a slot to GraphNode, add any |
GraphNode_OverlayEnum | |
GridContainer | GridContainer will arrange its Control-derived children in a grid like structure, the grid columns are specified using the |
GridMap | GridMap lets you place meshes on a grid interactively. It works both from the editor and from scripts, which can help you create in-game level editors. |
GrooveJoint2D | Groove constraint for 2D physics. This is useful for making a body "slide" through a segment placed in another. |
HAlign | |
HBoxContainer | Horizontal box container. See |
HMACContext | The HMACContext class is useful for advanced HMAC use cases, such as streaming the message as it supports creating the message over time rather than providing it all at once. |
HScrollBar | Horizontal version of |
HSeparator | Horizontal separator. See |
HSlider | Horizontal slider. See |
HSplitContainer | Horizontal split container. See |
HTTPClient | Hyper-text transfer protocol client (sometimes called "User Agent"). Used to make HTTP requests to download web content, upload files and other data or to communicate with various services, among other use cases. See the |
HTTPClient_Method | |
HTTPClient_ResponseCode | |
HTTPClient_Status | |
HTTPRequest | A node with the ability to send HTTP requests. Uses |
HTTPRequest_Result | |
HashingContext | The HashingContext class provides an interface for computing cryptographic hashes over multiple iterations. This is useful for example when computing hashes of big files (so you don't have to load them all in memory), network streams, and data streams in general (so you don't have to hold buffers). |
HashingContext_HashType | |
HeightMapShape | Height map shape resource, which can be added to a |
HingeJoint | A HingeJoint normally uses the Z axis of body A as the hinge axis, another axis can be specified when adding it manually though. See also |
HingeJoint_Flag | |
HingeJoint_Param | |
IAwaitable | |
IAwaitable_1 | |
IAwaiter | |
IAwaiter_1 | |
IP | IP contains support functions for the Internet Protocol (IP). TCP/IP support is in different classes (see |
IP_ResolverStatus | |
IP_Type | |
ISerializationListener | |
Image | Native image datatype. Contains image data which can be converted to an |
ImageTexture | A |
ImageTexture_StorageEnum | |
Image_AlphaMode | |
Image_CompressMode | |
Image_CompressSource | |
Image_Format | |
Image_Interpolation | |
ImmediateGeometry | Draws simple geometry from code. Uses a drawing mode similar to OpenGL 1.x. |
Input | A singleton that deals with inputs. This includes key presses, mouse buttons and movement, joypads, and input actions. Actions and their events can be set in the Input Map tab in the Project > Project Settings, or with the |
InputEvent | Base class of all sort of input event. See |
InputEventAction | Contains a generic action which can be targeted from several types of inputs. Actions can be created from the Input Map tab in the Project > Project Settings menu. See |
InputEventGesture | |
InputEventJoypadButton | Input event type for gamepad buttons. For gamepad analog sticks and joysticks, see |
InputEventJoypadMotion | Stores information about joystick motions. One |
InputEventKey | Stores key presses on the keyboard. Supports key presses, key releases and |
InputEventMIDI | |
InputEventMagnifyGesture | |
InputEventMouse | Stores general mouse events information. |
InputEventMouseButton | Contains mouse click information. See |
InputEventMouseMotion | Contains mouse and pen motion information. Supports relative, absolute positions and speed. See |
InputEventPanGesture | |
InputEventScreenDrag | Contains screen drag information. See |
InputEventScreenTouch | Stores multi-touch press/release information. Supports touch press, touch release and |
InputEventWithModifiers | Contains keys events information with modifiers support like |
InputMap | Manages all |
Input_CursorShape | |
Input_MouseMode | |
InstancePlaceholder | Turning on the option Load As Placeholder for an instanced scene in the editor causes it to be replaced by an InstancePlaceholder when running the game. This makes it possible to delay actually loading the scene until calling |
InterpolatedCamera | Deprecated (will be removed in Godot 4.0). InterpolatedCamera is a |
ItemList | This control provides a selectable list of items that may be in a single (or multiple columns) with option of text, icons, or both text and icon. Tooltips are supported and may be different for every item in the list. |
ItemList_IconModeEnum | |
ItemList_SelectModeEnum | |
JNISingleton | The JNISingleton is implemented only in the Android export. It's used to call methods and connect signals from an Android plugin written in Java or Kotlin. Methods and signals can be called and connected to the JNISingleton as if it is a Node. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Native_Interface](Java Native Interface - Wikipedia) for more information. |
JSON | Helper class for parsing JSON data. For usage example and other important hints, see |
JSONParseResult | Returned by |
JSONRPC | [https://www.jsonrpc.org/](JSON-RPC) is a standard which wraps a method call in a |
JSONRPC_ErrorCode | |
JavaScript | The JavaScript singleton is implemented only in the HTML5 export. It's used to access the browser's JavaScript context. This allows interaction with embedding pages or calling third-party JavaScript APIs. |
JavaScriptObject | JavaScriptObject is used to interact with JavaScript objects retrieved or created via |
Joint | Joints are used to bind together two physics bodies. They have a solver priority and can define if the bodies of the two attached nodes should be able to collide with each other. |
Joint2D | Base node for all joint constraints in 2D physics. Joints take 2 bodies and apply a custom constraint. |
JoystickList | |
KeyList | |
KeyModifierMask | |
KinematicBody | Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all; to other types of bodies, such as a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body. However, they have two main uses: |
KinematicBody2D | Kinematic bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all; to other types of bodies, such as a character or a rigid body, these are the same as a static body. However, they have two main uses: |
KinematicCollision | Contains collision data for |
KinematicCollision2D | Contains collision data for |
Label | Label displays plain text on the screen. It gives you control over the horizontal and vertical alignment and can wrap the text inside the node's bounding rectangle. It doesn't support bold, italics, or other formatting. For that, use |
Label_AlignEnum | |
Label_VAlign | |
LargeTexture | Deprecated (will be removed in Godot 4.0). A |
Light | Light is the abstract base class for light nodes. As it can't be instanced, it shouldn't be used directly. Other types of light nodes inherit from it. Light contains the common variables and parameters used for lighting. |
Light2D | Casts light in a 2D environment. Light is defined by a (usually grayscale) texture, a color, an energy value, a mode (see constants), and various other parameters (range and shadows-related). |
Light2D_ModeEnum | |
Light2D_ShadowFilterEnum | |
LightOccluder2D | Occludes light cast by a Light2D, casting shadows. The LightOccluder2D must be provided with an |
Light_BakeMode | |
Light_Param | |
Line2D | A line through several points in 2D space. Supports varying width and color over the line's length, texturing, and several cap/joint types. |
Line2D_LineCapMode | |
Line2D_LineJointMode | |
Line2D_LineTextureMode | |
LineEdit | LineEdit provides a single-line string editor, used for text fields. |
LineEdit_AlignEnum | |
LineEdit_MenuItems | |
LineShape2D | Line shape for 2D collisions. It works like a 2D plane and will not allow any physics body to go to the negative side. Not recommended for rigid bodies, and usually not recommended for static bodies either because it forces checks against it on every frame. |
LinkButton | This kind of button is primarily used when the interaction with the button causes a context change (like linking to a web page). |
LinkButton_UnderlineMode | |
Listener | Once added to the scene tree and enabled using |
Listener2D | Once added to the scene tree and enabled using |
MainLoop |
Margin | |
MarginContainer | Adds a top, left, bottom, and right margin to all |
Marshalls | Provides data transformation and encoding utility functions. |
MasterAttribute | |
MasterSyncAttribute | |
Material | Material is a base |
Mathf | Provides constants and static methods for common mathematical functions. |
MenuButton | Special button that brings up a |
Mesh | Mesh is a type of |
MeshDataTool | MeshDataTool provides access to individual vertices in a |
MeshInstance | MeshInstance is a node that takes a |
MeshInstance2D | Node used for displaying a |
MeshLibrary | A library of meshes. Contains a list of |
MeshTexture | Simple texture that uses a mesh to draw itself. It's limited because flags can't be changed and region drawing is not supported. |
Mesh_ArrayFormat | |
Mesh_ArrayType | |
Mesh_BlendShapeMode | |
Mesh_PrimitiveType | |
MethodFlags | |
MidiMessageList | |
MobileVRInterface | This is a generic mobile VR implementation where you need to provide details about the phone and HMD used. It does not rely on any existing framework. This is the most basic interface we have. For the best effect, you need a mobile phone with a gyroscope and accelerometer. |
MultiMesh | MultiMesh provides low-level mesh instancing. Drawing thousands of |
MultiMeshInstance |
MultiMeshInstance2D |
MultiMesh_ColorFormatEnum | |
MultiMesh_CustomDataFormatEnum | |
MultiMesh_TransformFormatEnum | |
MultiplayerAPI | This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. See also |
MultiplayerAPI_RPCMode | |
MultiplayerPeerGDNative | |
Mutex | A synchronization mutex (mutual exclusion). This is used to synchronize multiple |
NativeScript | |
Navigation | Provides navigation and pathfinding within a collection of |
Navigation2D | Navigation2D provides navigation and pathfinding within a 2D area, specified as a collection of |
NavigationMesh | A navigation mesh is a collection of polygons that define which areas of an environment are traversable to aid agents in pathfinding through complicated spaces. |
NavigationMeshInstance | NavigationMeshInstance is a node that takes a |
NavigationMesh_ParsedGeometryType | |
NavigationMesh_SamplePartitionType | |
NavigationMesh_SourceGeometryMode | |
NavigationPolygon | There are two ways to create polygons. Either by using the |
NavigationPolygonInstance | |
NetworkedMultiplayerENet | A PacketPeer implementation that should be passed to |
NetworkedMultiplayerENet_CompressionModeEnum | |
NetworkedMultiplayerPeer | Manages the connection to network peers. Assigns unique IDs to each client connected to the server. See also |
NetworkedMultiplayerPeer_ConnectionStatus | |
NetworkedMultiplayerPeer_TransferModeEnum | |
NinePatchRect | Also known as 9-slice panels, NinePatchRect produces clean panels of any size, based on a small texture. To do so, it splits the texture in a 3×3 grid. When you scale the node, it tiles the texture's sides horizontally or vertically, the center on both axes but it doesn't scale or tile the corners. |
NinePatchRect_AxisStretchMode | |
Node | Nodes are Godot's building blocks. They can be assigned as the child of another node, resulting in a tree arrangement. A given node can contain any number of nodes as children with the requirement that all siblings (direct children of a node) should have unique names. |
Node2D | A 2D game object, with a transform (position, rotation, and scale). All 2D nodes, including physics objects and sprites, inherit from Node2D. Use Node2D as a parent node to move, scale and rotate children in a 2D project. Also gives control of the node's render order. |
NodePath | A pre-parsed relative or absolute path in a scene tree,
for use with |
Node_DuplicateFlags | |
Node_PauseModeEnum | |
NoiseTexture | Uses an |
OS | Operating System functions. OS wraps the most common functionality to communicate with the host operating system, such as the clipboard, video driver, date and time, timers, environment variables, execution of binaries, command line, etc. |
OS_HandleType | |
OS_Month | |
OS_PowerState | |
OS_ScreenOrientationEnum | |
OS_SystemDir | |
OS_VideoDriver | |
OS_Weekday | |
Object | Every class which is not a built-in type inherits from this class. |
Object_ConnectFlags | |
Occluder |
OccluderPolygon2D | Editor facility that helps you draw a 2D polygon used as resource for |
OccluderPolygon2D_CullModeEnum | |
OccluderShape |
OccluderShapeSphere |
OmniLight | An Omnidirectional light is a type of |
OmniLight_ShadowDetail | |
OmniLight_ShadowMode | |
OpenSimplexNoise | This resource allows you to configure and sample a fractal noise space. Here is a brief usage example that configures an OpenSimplexNoise and gets samples at various positions and dimensions: |
OptionButton | OptionButton is a type button that provides a selectable list of items when pressed. The item selected becomes the "current" item and is displayed as the button text. |
Orientation | |
PCKPacker | The |
PHashTranslation | Optimized translation. Uses real-time compressed translations, which results in very small dictionaries. |
PackedDataContainer | |
PackedDataContainerRef | |
PackedScene | A simplified interface to a scene file. Provides access to operations and checks that can be performed on the scene resource itself. |
PackedScene_GenEditState | |
PacketPeer | PacketPeer is an abstraction and base class for packet-based protocols (such as UDP). It provides an API for sending and receiving packets both as raw data or variables. This makes it easy to transfer data over a protocol, without having to encode data as low-level bytes or having to worry about network ordering. |
PacketPeerDTLS | This class represents a DTLS peer connection. It can be used to connect to a DTLS server, and is returned by |
PacketPeerDTLS_Status | |
PacketPeerGDNative | |
PacketPeerStream | PacketStreamPeer provides a wrapper for working using packets over a stream. This allows for using packet based code with StreamPeers. PacketPeerStream implements a custom protocol over the StreamPeer, so the user should not read or write to the wrapped StreamPeer directly. |
PacketPeerUDP | UDP packet peer. Can be used to send raw UDP packets as well as |
Panel | Panel is a |
PanelContainer | Panel container type. This container fits controls inside of the delimited area of a stylebox. It's useful for giving controls an outline. |
PanoramaSky | A resource referenced in an |
ParallaxBackground | A ParallaxBackground uses one or more |
ParallaxLayer | A ParallaxLayer must be the child of a |
Particles | 3D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. |
Particles2D | 2D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. |
Particles2D_DrawOrderEnum | |
ParticlesMaterial | ParticlesMaterial defines particle properties and behavior. It is used in the |
ParticlesMaterial_EmissionShapeEnum | |
ParticlesMaterial_Flags | |
ParticlesMaterial_Parameter | |
Particles_DrawOrderEnum | |
Path | Can have |
Path2D | Can have |
PathFollow | This node takes its parent |
PathFollow2D | This node takes its parent |
PathFollow_RotationModeEnum | |
Performance | This class provides access to a number of different monitors related to performance, such as memory usage, draw calls, and FPS. These are the same as the values displayed in the Monitor tab in the editor's Debugger panel. By using the |
Performance_Monitor | |
PhysicalBone | |
PhysicalBone_JointTypeEnum | |
Physics2DDirectBodyState | Provides direct access to a physics body in the |
Physics2DDirectSpaceState | Direct access object to a space in the |
Physics2DServer | Physics2DServer is the server responsible for all 2D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree. |
Physics2DServer_AreaBodyStatus | |
Physics2DServer_AreaParameter | |
Physics2DServer_AreaSpaceOverrideMode | |
Physics2DServer_BodyMode | |
Physics2DServer_BodyParameter | |
Physics2DServer_BodyState | |
Physics2DServer_CCDMode | |
Physics2DServer_DampedStringParam | |
Physics2DServer_JointParam | |
Physics2DServer_JointType | |
Physics2DServer_ProcessInfo | |
Physics2DServer_ShapeType | |
Physics2DServer_SpaceParameter | |
Physics2DShapeQueryParameters | This class contains the shape and other parameters for 2D intersection/collision queries. |
Physics2DTestMotionResult | |
PhysicsBody | PhysicsBody is an abstract base class for implementing a physics body. All *Body types inherit from it. |
PhysicsBody2D | PhysicsBody2D is an abstract base class for implementing a physics body. All *Body2D types inherit from it. |
PhysicsDirectBodyState | Provides direct access to a physics body in the |
PhysicsDirectSpaceState | Direct access object to a space in the |
PhysicsMaterial | Provides a means of modifying the collision properties of a |
PhysicsServer | PhysicsServer is the server responsible for all 3D physics. It can create many kinds of physics objects, but does not insert them on the node tree. |
PhysicsServer_AreaBodyStatus | |
PhysicsServer_AreaParameter | |
PhysicsServer_AreaSpaceOverrideMode | |
PhysicsServer_BodyAxis | |
PhysicsServer_BodyMode | |
PhysicsServer_BodyParameter | |
PhysicsServer_BodyState | |
PhysicsServer_ConeTwistJointParam | |
PhysicsServer_G6DOFJointAxisFlag | |
PhysicsServer_G6DOFJointAxisParam | |
PhysicsServer_HingeJointFlag | |
PhysicsServer_HingeJointParam | |
PhysicsServer_JointType | |
PhysicsServer_PinJointParam | |
PhysicsServer_ProcessInfo | |
PhysicsServer_ShapeType | |
PhysicsServer_SliderJointParam | |
PhysicsServer_SpaceParameter | |
PhysicsShapeQueryParameters | This class contains the shape and other parameters for 3D intersection/collision queries. |
PhysicsTestMotionResult | |
PinJoint | Pin joint for 3D rigid bodies. It pins 2 bodies (rigid or static) together. See also |
PinJoint2D | Pin Joint for 2D rigid bodies. It pins two bodies (rigid or static) together. |
PinJoint_Param | |
Plane | Plane represents a normalized plane equation. "Over" or "Above" the plane is considered the side of the plane towards where the normal is pointing. |
PlaneMesh | Class representing a planar |
PlaneShape | An infinite plane shape for 3D collisions. Note that the |
PluginScript | |
PointMesh | The PointMesh is made from a single point. Instead of relying on triangles, points are rendered as a single rectangle on the screen with a constant size. They are intended to be used with Particle systems, but can be used as a cheap way to render constant size billboarded sprites (for example in a point cloud). |
Polygon2D | A Polygon2D is defined by a set of points. Each point is connected to the next, with the final point being connected to the first, resulting in a closed polygon. Polygon2Ds can be filled with color (solid or gradient) or filled with a given texture. |
PolygonPathFinder | |
Popup | Popup is a base |
PopupDialog | PopupDialog is a base class for popup dialogs, along with |
PopupMenu |
PopupPanel | Class for displaying popups with a panel background. In some cases it might be simpler to use than |
Portal |
Position2D | Generic 2D position hint for editing. It's just like a plain |
Position3D | Generic 3D position hint for editing. It's just like a plain |
PrimitiveMesh | Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a |
PrismMesh | Class representing a prism-shaped |
ProceduralSky | ProceduralSky provides a way to create an effective background quickly by defining procedural parameters for the sun, the sky and the ground. The sky and ground are very similar, they are defined by a color at the horizon, another color, and finally an easing curve to interpolate between these two colors. Similarly, the sun is described by a position in the sky, a color, and an easing curve. However, the sun also defines a minimum and maximum angle, these two values define at what distance the easing curve begins and ends from the sun, and thus end up defining the size of the sun in the sky. |
ProceduralSky_TextureSizeEnum | |
ProgressBar | General-purpose progress bar. Shows fill percentage from right to left. |
ProjectSettings | Contains global variables accessible from everywhere. Use |
PropertyHint | |
PropertyUsageFlags | |
ProximityGroup | General-purpose proximity detection node. |
ProximityGroup_DispatchModeEnum | |
ProxyTexture | |
PuppetAttribute | |
PuppetSyncAttribute | |
QuadMesh | Class representing a square |
Quat | A unit quaternion used for representing 3D rotations. Quaternions need to be normalized to be used for rotation. |
RID | The RID type is used to access the unique integer ID of a resource.
They are opaque, which means they do not grant access to the associated
resource by themselves. They are used by and with the low-level Server
classes such as |
RandomNumberGenerator | RandomNumberGenerator is a class for generating pseudo-random numbers. It currently uses [http://www.pcg-random.org/](PCG32). |
Range | Range is a base class for |
RayCast | A RayCast represents a line from its origin to its destination position, |
RayCast2D | A RayCast represents a line from its origin to its destination position, |
RayShape | Ray shape for 3D collisions, which can be set into a |
RayShape2D | Ray shape for 2D collisions. A ray is not really a collision body; instead, it tries to separate itself from whatever is touching its far endpoint. It's often useful for characters. |
Rect2 | 2D axis-aligned bounding box. Rect2 consists of a position, a size, and several utility functions. It is typically used for fast overlap tests. |
RectangleShape2D | Rectangle shape for 2D collisions. This shape is useful for modeling box-like 2D objects. |
Reference | Base class for any object that keeps a reference count. |
ReferenceRect | A rectangle box that displays only a |
ReflectionProbe | Capture its surroundings as a dual paraboloid image, and stores versions of it with increasing levels of blur to simulate different material roughnesses. |
ReflectionProbe_UpdateModeEnum | |
RegEx | A regular expression (or regex) is a compact language that can be used to recognise strings that follow a specific pattern, such as URLs, email addresses, complete sentences, etc. For instance, a regex of |
RegExMatch | Contains the results of a single |
RemoteAttribute | |
RemoteSyncAttribute | |
RemoteTransform | RemoteTransform pushes its own |
RemoteTransform2D | RemoteTransform2D pushes its own |
Resource | Resource is the base class for all Godot-specific resource types, serving primarily as data containers. Since they inherit from |
ResourceFormatLoader | Godot loads resources in the editor or in exported games using ResourceFormatLoaders. They are queried automatically via the |
ResourceFormatSaver | The engine can save resources when you do it from the editor, or when you use the |
ResourceImporter | This is the base class for the resource importers implemented in core. To implement your own resource importers using editor plugins, see |
ResourceImporter_ImportOrder | |
ResourceInteractiveLoader | Interactive |
ResourceLoader | Singleton used to load resource files from the filesystem. |
ResourcePreloader | This node is used to preload sub-resources inside a scene, so when the scene is loaded, all the resources are ready to use and can be retrieved from the preloader. |
ResourceSaver | Singleton for saving Godot-specific resource types to the filesystem. |
ResourceSaver_SaverFlags | |
RichTextEffect | A custom effect for use with |
RichTextLabel | Rich text can contain custom text, fonts, images and some basic formatting. The label manages these as an internal tag stack. It also adapts itself to given width/heights. |
RichTextLabel_Align | |
RichTextLabel_ItemType | |
RichTextLabel_ListType | |
RigidBody | This is the node that implements full 3D physics. This means that you do not control a RigidBody directly. Instead, you can apply forces to it (gravity, impulses, etc.), and the physics simulation will calculate the resulting movement, collision, bouncing, rotating, etc. |
RigidBody2D | This node implements simulated 2D physics. You do not control a RigidBody2D directly. Instead, you apply forces to it (gravity, impulses, etc.) and the physics simulation calculates the resulting movement based on its mass, friction, and other physical properties. |
RigidBody2D_CCDMode | |
RigidBody2D_ModeEnum | |
RigidBody_ModeEnum | |
Room | The |
RoomGroup | Although |
RoomManager | In order to utilize the portal occlusion culling system, you must build your level using |
RoomManager_PVSMode | |
SceneState | Maintains a list of resources, nodes, exported, and overridden properties, and built-in scripts associated with a scene. |
SceneState_GenEditState | |
SceneTree | As one of the most important classes, the |
SceneTreeTimer | A one-shot timer managed by the scene tree, which emits |
SceneTree_GroupCallFlags | |
SceneTree_StretchAspect | |
SceneTree_StretchMode | |
Script | A class stored as a resource. A script extends the functionality of all objects that instance it. |
ScriptCreateDialog | The |
ScriptEditor | Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using |
ScrollBar | Scrollbars are a |
ScrollContainer | A ScrollContainer node meant to contain a |
SegmentShape2D | Segment shape for 2D collisions. Consists of two points, |
Semaphore | A synchronization semaphore which can be used to synchronize multiple |
Separator | Separator is a |
Shader | This class allows you to define a custom shader program that can be used by a |
ShaderMaterial | A material that uses a custom |
Shader_Mode | |
Shape | Base class for all 3D shape resources. Nodes that inherit from this can be used as shapes for a |
Shape2D | Base class for all 2D shapes. All 2D shape types inherit from this. |
ShortCut | A shortcut for binding input. |
Signal | Typesafe signal. |
SignalAttribute | |
SignalAwaiter | |
Skeleton | Skeleton provides a hierarchical interface for managing bones, including pose, rest and animation (see |
Skeleton2D | Skeleton2D parents a hierarchy of |
SkeletonIK | SkeletonIK is used to place the end bone of a |
Skin | |
SkinReference | |
Sky | The base class for |
Sky_RadianceSizeEnum | |
SlaveAttribute | |
Slider | Base class for GUI sliders. |
SliderJoint | Slides across the X axis of the pivot object. See also |
SliderJoint_Param | |
SoftBody | A deformable physics body. Used to create elastic or deformable objects such as cloth, rubber, or other flexible materials. |
Spatial | Most basic 3D game object, with a 3D |
SpatialGizmo | |
SpatialMaterial | This provides a default material with a wide variety of rendering features and properties without the need to write shader code. See the tutorial below for details. |
SpatialMaterial_BillboardMode | |
SpatialMaterial_BlendMode | |
SpatialMaterial_CullMode | |
SpatialMaterial_DepthDrawMode | |
SpatialMaterial_DetailUV | |
SpatialMaterial_DiffuseMode | |
SpatialMaterial_DistanceFadeModeEnum | |
SpatialMaterial_EmissionOperatorEnum | |
SpatialMaterial_Feature | |
SpatialMaterial_Flags | |
SpatialMaterial_SpecularMode | |
SpatialMaterial_TextureChannel | |
SpatialMaterial_TextureParam | |
SpatialVelocityTracker | |
SphereMesh | Class representing a spherical |
SphereShape | Sphere shape for 3D collisions, which can be set into a |
SpinBox | SpinBox is a numerical input text field. It allows entering integers and floats. |
SplitContainer | Container for splitting two |
SplitContainer_DraggerVisibilityEnum | |
SpotLight | A Spotlight is a type of |
SpringArm | The SpringArm node is a node that casts a ray (or collision shape) along its z axis and moves all its direct children to the collision point, minus a margin. |
Sprite | A node that displays a 2D texture. The texture displayed can be a region from a larger atlas texture, or a frame from a sprite sheet animation. |
Sprite3D | A node that displays a 2D texture in a 3D environment. The texture displayed can be a region from a larger atlas texture, or a frame from a sprite sheet animation. |
SpriteBase3D | A node that displays 2D texture information in a 3D environment. |
SpriteBase3D_AlphaCutMode | |
SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags | |
SpriteFrames | Sprite frame library for an |
StaticBody | Static body for 3D physics. A static body is a simple body that is not intended to move. In contrast to |
StaticBody2D | Static body for 2D physics. A StaticBody2D is a body that is not intended to move. It is ideal for implementing objects in the environment, such as walls or platforms. |
StreamPeer | StreamPeer is an abstraction and base class for stream-based protocols (such as TCP). It provides an API for sending and receiving data through streams as raw data or strings. |
StreamPeerBuffer | |
StreamPeerGDNative | |
StreamPeerSSL | SSL stream peer. This object can be used to connect to an SSL server or accept a single SSL client connection. |
StreamPeerSSL_Status | |
StreamPeerTCP | TCP stream peer. This object can be used to connect to TCP servers, or also is returned by a TCP server. |
StreamPeerTCP_Status | |
StreamTexture | A texture that is loaded from a |
StringExtensions | Extension methods to manipulate strings. |
StyleBox | StyleBox is |
StyleBoxEmpty | Empty stylebox (really does not display anything). |
StyleBoxFlat | This |
StyleBoxLine |
StyleBoxTexture | Texture-based nine-patch |
StyleBoxTexture_AxisStretchMode | |
SurfaceTool | The |
SyncAttribute | |
TCP_Server | A TCP server. Listens to connections on a port and returns a |
TabContainer | Arranges |
TabContainer_TabAlignEnum | |
Tabs | Simple tabs control, similar to |
Tabs_CloseButtonDisplayPolicy | |
Tabs_TabAlignEnum | |
TextEdit | TextEdit is meant for editing large, multiline text. It also has facilities for editing code, such as syntax highlighting support and multiple levels of undo/redo. |
TextEdit_MenuItems | |
TextEdit_SearchFlags | |
TextEdit_SearchResult | |
TextFile | |
Texture | A texture works by registering an image in the video hardware, which then can be used in 3D models or 2D |
Texture3D | Texture3D is a 3-dimensional |
TextureArray |
TextureButton |
TextureButton_StretchModeEnum | |
TextureLayered | Base class for |
TextureLayered_FlagsEnum | |
TextureProgress | TextureProgress works like |
TextureProgress_FillModeEnum | |
TextureRect | Used to draw icons and sprites in a user interface. The texture's placement can be controlled with the |
TextureRect_StretchModeEnum | |
Texture_FlagsEnum | |
Theme | A theme for skinning controls. Controls can be skinned individually, but for complex applications, it's more practical to just create a global theme that defines everything. This theme can be applied to any |
Theme_DataType | |
Thread | A unit of execution in a process. Can run methods on |
Thread_Priority | |
TileMap | Node for 2D tile-based maps. Tilemaps use a |
TileMap_HalfOffset | |
TileMap_ModeEnum | |
TileMap_TileOrigin | |
TileSet | A TileSet is a library of tiles for a |
TileSet_AutotileBindings | |
TileSet_BitmaskMode | |
TileSet_TileMode | |
Timer | Counts down a specified interval and emits a signal on reaching 0. Can be set to repeat or "one-shot" mode. |
Timer_TimerProcessMode | |
ToolAttribute | |
ToolButton | This is a helper class to generate a flat |
TouchScreenButton | TouchScreenButton allows you to create on-screen buttons for touch devices. It's intended for gameplay use, such as a unit you have to touch to move. Unlike |
TouchScreenButton_VisibilityModeEnum | |
Transform | 3×4 matrix (3 rows, 4 columns) used for 3D linear transformations.
It can represent transformations such as translation, rotation, or scaling.
It consists of a |
Transform2D | 2×3 matrix (2 rows, 3 columns) used for 2D linear transformations.
It can represent transformations such as translation, rotation, or scaling.
It consists of a three |
Translation | Translations are resources that can be loaded and unloaded on demand. They map a string to another string. |
TranslationServer | Server that manages all translations. Translations can be set to it and removed from it. |
Tree | This shows a tree of items that can be selected, expanded and collapsed. The tree can have multiple columns with custom controls like text editing, buttons and popups. It can be useful for structured displays and interactions. |
TreeItem | Control for a single item inside a |
TreeItem_TextAlign | |
TreeItem_TreeCellMode | |
Tree_DropModeFlagsEnum | |
Tree_SelectModeEnum | |
TriangleMesh | Mesh type used internally for collision calculations. |
Tween | Tweens are useful for animations requiring a numerical property to be interpolated over a range of values. The name tween comes from in-betweening, an animation technique where you specify keyframes and the computer interpolates the frames that appear between them. |
Tween_EaseType | |
Tween_TransitionType | |
Tween_TweenProcessMode | |
UDPServer | A simple server that opens a UDP socket and returns connected |
UPNP | Provides UPNP functionality to discover |
UPNPDevice | UPNP device. See |
UPNPDevice_IGDStatus | |
UPNP_UPNPResult | |
UndoRedo | Helper to manage undo/redo operations in the editor or custom tools. It works by registering methods and property changes inside "actions". |
UndoRedo_MergeMode | |
UnhandledExceptionArgs | Event arguments for when unhandled exceptions occur. |
Utils | |
VAlign | |
VBoxContainer | Vertical box container. See |
VScrollBar | Vertical version of |
VSeparator | Vertical version of |
VSlider | Vertical slider. See |
VSplitContainer | Vertical split container. See |
Variant | |
Variant_Operator | |
Variant_Type | |
Vector2 | 2-element structure that can be used to represent positions in 2D space or any other pair of numeric values. |
Vector2_Axis | Enumerated index values for the axes.
Returned by |
Vector3 | 3-element structure that can be used to represent positions in 3D space or any other pair of numeric values. |
Vector3_Axis | Enumerated index values for the axes.
Returned by |
VehicleBody | This node implements all the physics logic needed to simulate a car. It is based on the raycast vehicle system commonly found in physics engines. You will need to add a |
VehicleWheel | This node needs to be used as a child node of |
VideoPlayer | Control node for playing video streams using |
VideoStream | Base resource type for all video streams. Classes that derive from |
VideoStreamGDNative |
VideoStreamTheora |
VideoStreamWebm |
Viewport | A Viewport creates a different view into the screen, or a sub-view inside another viewport. Children 2D Nodes will display on it, and children Camera 3D nodes will render on it too. |
ViewportContainer | A |
ViewportTexture | Displays the content of a |
Viewport_ClearMode | |
Viewport_DebugDrawEnum | |
Viewport_MSAA | |
Viewport_RenderInfo | |
Viewport_ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv | |
Viewport_UpdateMode | |
Viewport_UsageEnum | |
VisibilityEnabler | The VisibilityEnabler will disable |
VisibilityEnabler2D | The VisibilityEnabler2D will disable |
VisibilityEnabler2D_Enabler | |
VisibilityEnabler_Enabler | |
VisibilityNotifier | The VisibilityNotifier detects when it is visible on the screen. It also notifies when its bounding rectangle enters or exits the screen or a |
VisibilityNotifier2D | The VisibilityNotifier2D detects when it is visible on the screen. It also notifies when its bounding rectangle enters or exits the screen or a viewport. |
VisualInstance | The |
VisualScript | A script implemented in the Visual Script programming environment. The script extends the functionality of all objects that instance it. |
VisualScriptBasicTypeConstant | A Visual Script node representing a constant from base types, such as |
VisualScriptBuiltinFunc | A built-in function used inside a |
VisualScriptBuiltinFunc_BuiltinFunc | |
VisualScriptClassConstant | This node returns a constant from a given class, such as |
VisualScriptComment | A Visual Script node used to display annotations in the script, so that code may be documented. |
VisualScriptComposeArray | A Visual Script Node used to compose array from the list of elements provided with custom in-graph UI hard coded in the VisualScript Editor. |
VisualScriptCondition | A Visual Script node that checks a |
VisualScriptConstant | This node returns a constant's value. |
VisualScriptConstructor | A Visual Script node which calls a base type constructor. It can be used for type conversion as well. |
VisualScriptCustomNode | A custom Visual Script node which can be scripted in powerful ways. |
VisualScriptCustomNode_StartMode | |
VisualScriptDeconstruct | A Visual Script node which deconstructs a base type instance into its parts. |
VisualScriptEditor | |
VisualScriptEmitSignal | Emits a specified signal when it is executed. |
VisualScriptEngineSingleton | A Visual Script node returning a singleton from |
VisualScriptExpression | A Visual Script node that can execute a custom expression. Values can be provided for the input and the expression result can be retrieved from the output. |
VisualScriptFunction |
VisualScriptFunctionCall |
VisualScriptFunctionCall_CallModeEnum | |
VisualScriptFunctionCall_RPCCallMode | |
VisualScriptFunctionState |
VisualScriptGlobalConstant | A Visual Script node returning a constant from |
VisualScriptIndexGet |
VisualScriptIndexSet |
VisualScriptInputAction |
VisualScriptInputAction_ModeEnum | |
VisualScriptIterator | This node steps through each item in a given input. Input can be any sequence data type, such as an |
VisualScriptLists | A Visual Script virtual class that defines the shape and the default behavior of the nodes that have to be in-graph editable nodes. |
VisualScriptLocalVar | Returns a local variable's value. "Var Name" must be supplied, with an optional type. |
VisualScriptLocalVarSet | Changes a local variable's value to the given input. The new value is also provided on an output Data port. |
VisualScriptMathConstant | Provides common math constants, such as Pi, on an output Data port. |
VisualScriptMathConstant_MathConstant | |
VisualScriptNode | A node which is part of a |
VisualScriptOperator | Input Ports: |
VisualScriptPreload | Creates a new |
VisualScriptPropertyGet |
VisualScriptPropertyGet_CallMode | |
VisualScriptPropertySet |
VisualScriptPropertySet_AssignOpEnum | |
VisualScriptPropertySet_CallMode | |
VisualScriptResourcePath | |
VisualScriptReturn | Ends the execution of a function and returns control to the calling function. Optionally, it can return a |
VisualScriptSceneNode | A direct reference to a node. |
VisualScriptSceneTree | A Visual Script node for accessing |
VisualScriptSelect | Chooses between two input values based on a Boolean condition. |
VisualScriptSelf | Provides a reference to the node running the visual script. |
VisualScriptSequence | Steps through a series of one or more output Sequence ports. The |
VisualScriptSubCall |
VisualScriptSwitch | Branches the flow based on an input's value. Use Case Count in the Inspector to set the number of branches and each comparison's optional type. |
VisualScriptTypeCast |
VisualScriptVariableGet | Returns a variable's value. "Var Name" must be supplied, with an optional type. |
VisualScriptVariableSet | Changes a variable's value to the given input. |
VisualScriptWhile | Loops while a condition is |
VisualScriptYield |
VisualScriptYieldSignal |
VisualScriptYieldSignal_CallModeEnum | |
VisualScriptYield_YieldMode | |
VisualServer | Server for anything visible. The visual server is the API backend for everything visible. The whole scene system mounts on it to display. |
VisualServer_ArrayFormat | |
VisualServer_ArrayType | |
VisualServer_BlendShapeMode | |
VisualServer_CanvasLightMode | |
VisualServer_CanvasLightShadowFilter | |
VisualServer_CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode | |
VisualServer_CubeMapSide | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentBG | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentDOFBlurQuality | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentGlowBlendMode | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentSSAOBlur | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentSSAOQuality | |
VisualServer_EnvironmentToneMapper | |
VisualServer_Features | |
VisualServer_InstanceFlags | |
VisualServer_InstanceType | |
VisualServer_LightBakeMode | |
VisualServer_LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode | |
VisualServer_LightDirectionalShadowMode | |
VisualServer_LightOmniShadowDetail | |
VisualServer_LightOmniShadowMode | |
VisualServer_LightParam | |
VisualServer_LightType | |
VisualServer_MultimeshColorFormat | |
VisualServer_MultimeshCustomDataFormat | |
VisualServer_MultimeshTransformFormat | |
VisualServer_NinePatchAxisMode | |
VisualServer_ParticlesDrawOrder | |
VisualServer_PrimitiveType | |
VisualServer_ReflectionProbeUpdateMode | |
VisualServer_RenderInfo | |
VisualServer_ScenarioDebugMode | |
VisualServer_ShaderMode | |
VisualServer_ShadowCastingSetting | |
VisualServer_TextureFlags | |
VisualServer_TextureType | |
VisualServer_ViewportClearMode | |
VisualServer_ViewportDebugDraw | |
VisualServer_ViewportMSAA | |
VisualServer_ViewportRenderInfo | |
VisualServer_ViewportUpdateMode | |
VisualServer_ViewportUsage | |
VisualShader | This class allows you to define a custom shader program that can be used for various materials to render objects. |
VisualShaderNode | Visual shader graphs consist of various nodes. Each node in the graph is a separate object and they are represented as a rectangular boxes with title and a set of properties. Each node has also connection ports that allow to connect it to another nodes and control the flow of the shader. |
VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant | Has only one output port and no inputs. |
VisualShaderNodeBooleanUniform | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeColorConstant | Has two output ports representing RGB and alpha channels of |
VisualShaderNodeColorFunc | Accept a |
VisualShaderNodeColorFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeColorOp | Applies |
VisualShaderNodeColorOp_OperatorEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeColorUniform | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeCompare | Compares |
VisualShaderNodeCompare_ComparisonType | |
VisualShaderNodeCompare_ConditionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeCompare_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeCubeMap | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeCubeMapUniform | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeCubeMap_SourceEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeCubeMap_TextureTypeEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeCustom | By inheriting this class you can create a custom |
VisualShaderNodeDeterminant | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeDotProduct | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeExpression | Custom Godot Shading Language expression, with a custom amount of input and output ports. |
VisualShaderNodeFaceForward | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeFresnel | Returns falloff based on the dot product of surface normal and view direction of camera (pass associated inputs to it). |
VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression | Custom Godot Shader Language expression, which is placed on top of the generated shader. You can place various function definitions inside to call later in |
VisualShaderNodeGroupBase | Currently, has no direct usage, use the derived classes instead. |
VisualShaderNodeIf | |
VisualShaderNodeInput | Gives access to input variables (built-ins) available for the shader. See the shading reference for the list of available built-ins for each shader type (check |
VisualShaderNodeIs | Returns the boolean result of the comparison between |
VisualShaderNodeIs_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct |
VisualShaderNodeOutput | This visual shader node is present in all shader graphs in form of "Output" block with multiple output value ports. |
VisualShaderNodeScalarClamp | Constrains a value to lie between |
VisualShaderNodeScalarConstant | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarDerivativeFunc | This node is only available in |
VisualShaderNodeScalarDerivativeFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarFunc | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarInterp | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeScalarOp | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarOp_OperatorEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeScalarSmoothStep | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeScalarSwitch | Returns an associated scalar if the provided boolean value is |
VisualShaderNodeScalarUniform | |
VisualShaderNodeSwitch | Returns an associated vector if the provided boolean value is |
VisualShaderNodeTexture | Performs a lookup operation on the provided texture, with support for multiple texture sources to choose from. |
VisualShaderNodeTextureUniform | Performs a lookup operation on the texture provided as a uniform for the shader. |
VisualShaderNodeTextureUniformTriplanar | Performs a lookup operation on the texture provided as a uniform for the shader, with support for triplanar mapping. |
VisualShaderNodeTextureUniform_ColorDefaultEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTextureUniform_TextureTypeEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTexture_SourceEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTexture_TextureTypeEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose | Creates a 4x4 transform matrix using four vectors of type |
VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant | A constant |
VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose | Takes a 4x4 transform matrix and decomposes it into four |
VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc | Computes an inverse or transpose function on the provided |
VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTransformMult | A multiplication operation on two transforms (4x4 matrices), with support for different multiplication operators. |
VisualShaderNodeTransformMult_OperatorEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeTransformUniform | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult | A multiplication operation on a transform (4x4 matrix) and a vector, with support for different multiplication operators. |
VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult_OperatorEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeUniform | A uniform represents a variable in the shader which is set externally, i.e. from the |
VisualShaderNodeUniformRef | Creating a reference to a |
VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant | A constant |
VisualShaderNodeVec3Uniform | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorClamp | Constrains a value to lie between |
VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose | Creates a |
VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose | Takes a |
VisualShaderNodeVectorDerivativeFunc | This node is only available in |
VisualShaderNodeVectorDerivativeFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance | Calculates distance from point represented by vector |
VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc | A visual shader node able to perform different functions using vectors. |
VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc_FunctionEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeVectorInterp | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorLen | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorOp | A visual shader node for use of vector operators. Operates on vector |
VisualShaderNodeVectorOp_OperatorEnum | |
VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract | Translated to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarMix | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarSmoothStep | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorScalarStep | Translates to |
VisualShaderNodeVectorSmoothStep | Translates to |
VisualShaderNode_PortType | |
VisualShader_Type | |
WeakRef | A weakref can hold a |
WebRTCDataChannel | |
WebRTCDataChannelGDNative | |
WebRTCDataChannel_ChannelState | |
WebRTCDataChannel_WriteModeEnum | |
WebRTCMultiplayer | This class constructs a full mesh of |
WebRTCPeerConnection | A WebRTC connection between the local computer and a remote peer. Provides an interface to connect, maintain and monitor the connection. |
WebRTCPeerConnectionGDNative | |
WebRTCPeerConnection_ConnectionState | |
WebSocketClient | This class implements a WebSocket client compatible with any RFC 6455-compliant WebSocket server. |
WebSocketMultiplayerPeer | Base class for WebSocket server and client, allowing them to be used as network peer for the |
WebSocketPeer | This class represents a specific WebSocket connection, allowing you to do lower level operations with it. |
WebSocketPeer_WriteMode | |
WebSocketServer | This class implements a WebSocket server that can also support the high-level multiplayer API. |
WebXRInterface | WebXR is an open standard that allows creating VR and AR applications that run in the web browser. |
WindowDialog | Windowdialog is the base class for all window-based dialogs. It's a by-default toplevel |
World | Class that has everything pertaining to a world. A physics space, a visual scenario and a sound space. Spatial nodes register their resources into the current world. |
World2D | Class that has everything pertaining to a 2D world. A physics space, a visual scenario and a sound space. 2D nodes register their resources into the current 2D world. |
WorldEnvironment | The |
X509Certificate | The X509Certificate class represents an X509 certificate. Certificates can be loaded and saved like any other |
XMLParser | This class can serve as base to make custom XML parsers. Since XML is a very flexible standard, this interface is low-level so it can be applied to any possible schema. |
XMLParser_NodeType | |
YSort | Sort all child nodes based on their Y positions. The child node must inherit from |