

Use for instances within godot.Rooms that will not move - e.g. walls, floors.

Note: If you attempt to delete a PORTAL_MODE_STATIC instance while the room graph is loaded (converted), it will unload the room graph and deactivate portal culling. This is because the room graph data has been invalidated. You will need to reconvert the rooms using the godot.RoomManager to activate the system again.


Use for instances within rooms that will move but not change room - e.g. moving platforms.

Note: If you attempt to delete a PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC instance while the room graph is loaded (converted), it will unload the room graph and deactivate portal culling. This is because the room graph data has been invalidated. You will need to reconvert the rooms using the godot.RoomManager to activate the system again.


Use for instances that will move between godot.Rooms - e.g. players.


Use for instances that will be frustum culled only - e.g. first person weapon, debug.


Use for instances that will not be shown at all - e.g. manual room bounds (specified by prefix 'Bound_').