

Constant to set/get the maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated.


Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated.


Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision.


Constant to set/get the threshold linear velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given.


Constant to set/get the threshold angular velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given.


Constant to set/get the maximum time of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after this time.


Constant to set/get the default solver bias for all physics constraints. A solver bias is a factor controlling how much two objects "rebound", after violating a constraint, to avoid leaving them in that state because of numerical imprecision.