

No hint for the edited property.


Hints that an integer or float property should be within a range specified via the hint string "min,max" or "min,max,step". The hint string can optionally include "or_greater" and/or "or_lesser" to allow manual input going respectively above the max or below the min values. Example: "-360,360,1,or_greater,or_lesser".


Hints that a float property should be within an exponential range specified via the hint string "min,max" or "min,max,step". The hint string can optionally include "or_greater" and/or "or_lesser" to allow manual input going respectively above the max or below the min values. Example: "0.01,100,0.01,or_greater".


Hints that an integer, float or string property is an enumerated value to pick in a list specified via a hint string.

The hint string is a comma separated list of names such as "Hello,Something,Else". For integer and float properties, the first name in the list has value 0, the next 1, and so on. Explicit values can also be specified by appending :integer to the name, e.g. "Zero,One,Three:3,Four,Six:6".


Hints that a float property should be edited via an exponential easing function. The hint string can include "attenuation" to flip the curve horizontally and/or "inout" to also include in/out easing.


Deprecated hint, unused.


Deprecated hint, unused.


Hints that an integer property is a bitmask with named bit flags. For example, to allow toggling bits 0, 1, 2 and 4, the hint could be something like "Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,,Bit4".


Hints that an integer property is a bitmask using the optionally named 2D render layers.


Hints that an integer property is a bitmask using the optionally named 2D physics layers.


Hints that an integer property is a bitmask using the optionally named 3D render layers.


Hints that an integer property is a bitmask using the optionally named 3D physics layers.


Hints that a string property is a path to a file. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards like "*.png,*.jpg".


Hints that a string property is a path to a directory. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path.


Hints that a string property is an absolute path to a file outside the project folder. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards like "*.png,*.jpg".


Hints that a string property is an absolute path to a directory outside the project folder. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path.


Hints that a property is an instance of a godot.Resource-derived type, optionally specified via the hint string (e.g. "Texture"). Editing it will show a popup menu of valid resource types to instantiate.


Hints that a string property is text with line breaks. Editing it will show a text input field where line breaks can be typed.


Hints that a string property should have a placeholder text visible on its input field, whenever the property is empty. The hint string is the placeholder text to use.


Hints that a color property should be edited without changing its alpha component, i.e. only R, G and B channels are edited.


Hints that an image is compressed using lossy compression.


Hints that an image is compressed using lossless compression.