The godot.CameraServer keeps track of different cameras accessible in Godot. These are external cameras such as webcams or the cameras on your phone.

It is notably used to provide AR modules with a video feed from the camera.

Note: This class is currently only implemented on macOS and iOS. On other platforms, no godot.CameraFeeds will be available.

Static variables

@:native("Singleton")staticread onlySINGLETON:Object

staticread onlyonCameraFeedAdded:Signal<(id:Int) ‑> Void>

camera_feed_added signal.

staticread onlyonCameraFeedRemoved:Signal<(id:Int) ‑> Void>

camera_feed_removed signal.

Static methods


Adds the camera feed to the camera server.


Returns an array of godot.CameraFeeds.


Returns the godot.CameraFeed corresponding to the camera with the given index.


Returns the number of godot.CameraFeeds registered.


Removes the specified camera feed.