Singleton for saving Godot-specific resource types to the filesystem.

It uses the many godot.ResourceFormatSaver classes registered in the engine (either built-in or from a plugin) to save engine-specific resource data to text-based (e.g. .tres or .tscn) or binary files (e.g. .res or .scn).

Static variables

@:native("Singleton")staticread onlySINGLETON:Object

Static methods


Returns the list of extensions available for saving a resource of a given type.

@:native("Save")staticsave(path:String, resource:Resource, ?flags:ResourceSaver_SaverFlags):Error

Saves a resource to disk to the given path, using a godot.ResourceFormatSaver that recognizes the resource object.

The flags bitmask can be specified to customize the save behavior.

Returns OK on success.