Contains global variables accessible from everywhere. Use godot.ProjectSettings.getSetting, godot.ProjectSettings.setSetting or godot.ProjectSettings.hasSetting to access them. Variables stored in project.godot are also loaded into ProjectSettings, making this object very useful for reading custom game configuration options.

When naming a Project Settings property, use the full path to the setting including the category. For example, "application/config/name" for the project name. Category and property names can be viewed in the Project Settings dialog.

Feature tags: Project settings can be overridden for specific platforms and configurations (debug, release, ...) using [](feature tags).

Overriding: Any project setting can be overridden by creating a file named override.cfg in the project's root directory. This can also be used in exported projects by placing this file in the same directory as the project binary. Overriding will still take the base project settings' [](feature tags) in account. Therefore, make sure to also override the setting with the desired feature tags if you want them to override base project settings on all platforms and configurations.

Static variables

@:native("Singleton")staticread onlySINGLETON:Object

Static methods


Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain:


ProjectSettings.set("category/property_name", 0)

var property_info = {
"name": "category/property_name",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"hint_string": "one,two,three"



Clears the whole configuration (not recommended, may break things).


Returns the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).


Returns the value of a setting.




Returns the absolute, native OS path corresponding to the localized path (starting with res:// or user://). The returned path will vary depending on the operating system and user preferences. See [](File paths in Godot projects) to see what those paths convert to. See also godot.ProjectSettings.localizePath.

Note: godot.ProjectSettings.globalizePath with res:// will not work in an exported project. Instead, prepend the executable's base directory to the path when running from an exported project:

var path = ""
if OS.has_feature("editor"):
# Running from an editor binary.
# `path` will contain the absolute path to `hello.txt` located in the project root.
path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("res://hello.txt")
# Running from an exported project.
# `path` will contain the absolute path to `hello.txt` next to the executable.
# This is *not* identical to using `ProjectSettings.globalize_path()` with a `res://` path,
# but is close enough in spirit.
path = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir().plus_file("hello.txt")


Returns true if a configuration value is present.

@:native("LoadResourcePack")staticloadResourcePack(pack:String, ?replaceFiles:Bool, ?offset:Int):Bool

Loads the contents of the .pck or .zip file specified by pack into the resource filesystem (res://). Returns true on success.

Note: If a file from pack shares the same path as a file already in the resource filesystem, any attempts to load that file will use the file from pack unless replace_files is set to false.

Note: The optional offset parameter can be used to specify the offset in bytes to the start of the resource pack. This is only supported for .pck files.


Returns the localized path (starting with res://) corresponding to the absolute, native OS path. See also godot.ProjectSettings.globalizePath.


Returns true if the specified property exists and its initial value differs from the current value.


Returns the specified property's initial value. Returns null if the property does not exist.


Saves the configuration to the project.godot file.

Note: This method is intended to be used by editor plugins, as modified godot.ProjectSettings can't be loaded back in the running app. If you want to change project settings in exported projects, use godot.ProjectSettings.saveCustom to save override.cfg file.


Saves the configuration to a custom file. The file extension must be .godot (to save in text-based godot.ConfigFile format) or .binary (to save in binary format). You can also save override.cfg file, which is also text, but can be used in exported projects unlike other formats.

@:native("SetInitialValue")staticsetInitialValue(name:String, value:Dynamic):Void

Sets the specified property's initial value. This is the value the property reverts to.

@:native("SetOrder")staticsetOrder(name:String, position:Int):Void

Sets the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).

@:native("SetSetting")staticsetSetting(name:String, value:Dynamic):Void

Sets the value of a setting.


ProjectSettings.set_setting("application/config/name", "Example")

This can also be used to erase custom project settings. To do this change the setting value to null.